Friday, December 7, 2007

December book choice

Thanks to all who attended this morning's meeting, and thanks to Mrs. Leahy for getting the ball rolling. After some deliberation, we've chosen Twilight by Stephanie Meyer for next month's read. Mrs. Leahy, do you know how many copies we have in the LRC, if any? Is there any chance that we can purchase books for interested members who do not already own it?

BBC members, feel free to get the discussion rolling by starting a new post! You can leave questions, comments, observations ... anything you'd like!

I'll pose a quick question, though it's not Twilight-related. What do you guys think of having a rotating schedule where certain students lead the discussion? If no one likes this idea, that's perfectly fine! I just thought it might be interesting to hear what you guys pull out of it. Perhaps the person who suggests the book can get the discussion rolling. Let me know what you think!

Have a great weekend!
Thank you for the juice and bagels this morning Mrs. Wood.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Welcome, new members, to the CHS Breakfast Book Club!

Because we only meet once a month, we have opened up this forum so that you may discuss the books we read on a regular basis. We'll try to help get the discussion moving by periodically posting questions to get your feedback. However, don't feel limited to our posts.

Use this forum as a place to ponder, reflect, question, comment, write, predict, or anything else you may wish to say about the current novel.

We started this year with The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom.

You may also use this forum to provide suggestions for future reads and other ways our book club can get involved in the school community. Remember, we meet on the first Friday of every month at 7:20 a.m. in the LRC.

Happy reading!