Celebrate Read Across America March 2nd at CHS and join schools across America by spending the first 3 periods of your day reading in the LRC. Just fill out a permission form and have it signed by your teachers and guardian. There will be a $2.00 fee to attend. Forms & money are due by February 25th to
Mrs. Leahy.
Back by popular demand "Breakfast Book Club" met this morning and discussed our favorite adventure stories. If you haven't read Ink Heart by Cornelia Funk or Maximum Ride by James Patterson you need to put them on your reading list.
The lucky winner of the Books We Love raffle goes to Cynthia G. Congratulations on winning a 7oz Hershey Kiss for Valentine's Day. Thank you for all those that participated in the books we love raffle. Our LRC is decorated to the hilt with paper hearts and the books you love. It looks like Stephanie Meyer's Twilight series is still among your favorite books to read.
The lucky winner of the Books We Love raffle goes to Cynthia G. Congratulations on winning a 7oz Hershey Kiss for Valentine's Day. Thank you for all those that participated in the books we love raffle. Our LRC is decorated to the hilt with paper hearts and the books you love. It looks like Stephanie Meyer's Twilight series is still among your favorite books to read.