Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Breakfast Book Club Meeting Wednesday November 17th

Breakfast Book Club is now Reading Graceling by Kristin Cashore

Questions to ponder before our meeting

1. If you had a grace what would you want it to be and why?

2. What do you think about Kasta's grace? Is it a grace or is it a curse?

3. How did Kasta's character change after she met Po?

4. How do your thoughts on marriage agree or disagree with Kasta's?

Take a fun quiz at the link below and find out if you are graced.
Are you Graced?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

BBC is reading Elsewhere

This new Abe Award nominee is a keeper, written by Gabrielle Zevin. You're 15 and wake up on a cruise ship bunking with a girl that has a hole in her head. You're not in much better shape since half your head is shaved, this is Liz Hall's story. Liz quickly discovers that she is no longer on earth but in a place called Elsewhere. Elsewhere is similar to our life where people work, go to school, drive cars, and fall in love. Things are reversed in Elsewhere because instead of getting older people get younger with each passing year. Will Liz ever be able to drive or find love? Read Elsewhere with BBC and join us on Sept. 29th for an in depth discussion.

Friday, May 28, 2010


Get a Voki now!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

"Non Required Reading" for Summer

Enjoy an Abe Lincoln Award nominee this summer while lounging around your favorite body of water. This year's winner City of Bones by Cassandra Clare was a hit among CHS students and many staff members that enjoy fantasy mixed with a little romance. The video below features City of Glass the second book in the Mortal Instrument trilogy.
Have a wonderful summer and be safe

City of Glass by Cassandra Clare

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Book Club Meeting: April 9th

This month book club is reading Spanking Shakespeare by Jake Wizner. "Shakespeare Shapiro has always hated his name and has always gotten teased about it all the way through school. However he may get his revenge through his memoirs, a school project that has chronicled every detail of his life."

Read Spanking Shakespeare and join us after school on Friday to discuss one of the new 2011 Abe Lincoln Award nominees.

Teens at Random House offers an Obituary Generator. It just takes seconds to fill in and is good for a laugh. Bring them to book club to share.

New members are always welcomed

Friday, February 12, 2010


Celebrate Read Across America March 2nd at CHS and join schools across America by spending the first 3 periods of your day reading in the LRC. Just fill out a permission form and have it signed by your teachers and guardian. There will be a $2.00 fee to attend. Forms & money are due by February 25th to
Mrs. Leahy.

Back by popular demand "Breakfast Book Club" met this morning and discussed our favorite adventure stories. If you haven't read Ink Heart by Cornelia Funk or Maximum Ride by James Patterson you need to put them on your reading list.

The lucky winner of the Books We Love raffle goes to Cynthia G. Congratulations on winning a 7oz Hershey Kiss for Valentine's Day. Thank you for all those that participated in the books we love raffle. Our LRC is decorated to the hilt with paper hearts and the books you love. It looks like Stephanie Meyer's Twilight series is still among your favorite books to read.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Featuring February's genre - Quests

January Meeting

Our last book club meeting was held after school on January 8th. Talk buzzed about James Patterson's books creating an exciting atmosphere in the LRC. Everyone enjoyed this month's selection of books because Mr. Patterson offers something for everyone!

February Meeting

After much discussion book club members decided to select a genre in lieu of an author. Why not read or revisit some of our book members favorite "quests" including The Harry Potter series, The Hobbit, Maximum Ride, or Ink Heart just to name a few. Visit the Book Club shelf in the LRC for more titles or browse my Shelfari shelf.

Our next meeting will be after school on February 12th. A special Valentine treat awaits you!

Lincoln Award

This month's Read a Lincoln ~ Win a Lincoln raffle winner was Mariela K. ~ Congratulations