Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Breakfast Book Club Meeting Wednesday November 17th

Breakfast Book Club is now Reading Graceling by Kristin Cashore

Questions to ponder before our meeting

1. If you had a grace what would you want it to be and why?

2. What do you think about Kasta's grace? Is it a grace or is it a curse?

3. How did Kasta's character change after she met Po?

4. How do your thoughts on marriage agree or disagree with Kasta's?

Take a fun quiz at the link below and find out if you are graced.
Are you Graced?


aubry! said...

my best friend is a horse

Anonymous said...

this book sounds good!

Kirstyn said...

I didn't like the ending... it was too abrupt.

Unknown said...

I love Graceling, irt makes me wish i had two different colored eyes :P

Anonymous said...

I liked the ending, it fit Katsa's personality.

Mrs. Leahy said...

Breakfast book club welcomes our newest member Diana to the group. BBC shared homemade brownies and friendly conversation over a cup of hot cocoa. All had fun looking over the questions about graces. Aubry's special grace helped us clean up the LRC and have it ready for 1st hour. Have a Happy Thanksgiving and keep reading.